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BREAKING: Bob Woodward's book drops on CNN, and there are tapes!

Well, things are escalating quickly.

CNN received a copy of Bob Woodward's new book on Donald Trump's regime, Rage. But not only that, but, it also has Woodward's recordings of his interviews with Trump. One cannot overstate how big that is: Woodward has never released the tapes of his interviews.

The biggest news is that Trump knew precisely how dangerous COVID-19 was. He was warned by our intelligence services. And he still downplayed it, because he feared it would hurt his re-election chances.

In order to eke out a couple more points in approval, he pursued a policy which has claimed 190,000 American lives, and climbing. Forget about impeachment; this is accessory to mass murder.

On the one hand: Why did Woodward sit on this? Of course we know why: He had a book to sell. However, better that this comes out now rather than not at all.

This shows Trump's utter stupidity and vanity. He'd finally made it as president, with a Bob Woodward book about his regime. He kept inviting Woodward back to the White House for more interviews, basking in one of the rituals which previous presidents had "enjoyed": a tell-all book by Bob Woodward. He's cut his own throat due to his hubris and self-centeredness.

This book is Mary Trump, Stephanie Wolkoff, and Michael Cohen combined and dialed up to 11. This book is devastating in a way those books weren't. This book details a sociopath making the decision to allow mass death for political purposes. "Genocide" might be a word which now enters the conversation, especially as people of color are infected at higher rates than white people. We knew Trump was a monster; this book splashes it in front of our eyes in Technicolor.

Strap in, folks. This kicks off the final fall.