
Showing posts with the label Election 2020

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Gearing up for a "Nero Decree"

Monday morning open thread: Catching up with Joe and Kamala

BREAKING: Bob Woodward's book drops on CNN, and there are tapes!

Late night open thread: IT'S KAMALA!!

The crack-up

Wednesday open thread: They forgot about Ye

They don't know what's going to hit them

Wednesday open thread: The Court is on the ballot

Wednesday open thread: The band's back together!

Decency is on the ballot


The World Turned Upside Down


Willful Ignorance: Why White Progressives Continue to Support Bernie Sanders

Yeah yeah yeah, get ready to rumble, etc—Democratic debate open thread


First and Worst: Critically Examining the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary

Thursday evening news mishmash

The most important election of our lifetime

Tuesday open thread—It's Election Day! And a new poll.

Monday evening open thread—And there shall be no honor among thieves

The one existential crisis

Will you stop it with the confessions, you goddamned schmucks?