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Weekend Self-Care: Songs of Celebration

The past 8 years have been rough.

Those of us on the right side of history have been forced to fight and re-fight battles long thought won. We had to endure half that time with a narcissistic twit having complete control of the nuclear football. Despite a return to normalcy, we will once again have to convince undecided voters not to screw up the 2024 election like they did in 2016. All that being said, there hasn't been a lot of time for celebrating the small wins that kept us going.

Until now.

Because as LL so succinctly stated, Thursday's verdict is the beginning of the end. No, it doesn't mean Republicans will find another candidate. No, it doesn't mean that Trump will be disqualified from the ballot. Hell, it's 50/50 at best that Trump serves any jail time at all. But it's the end in the sense that Republican voters now have to conscientiously choose to vote for a man who is a convicted felon. The Red Hats are all in no matter what. But those who are on the fence have a real decision to make. Do they stick it out? Or do they see voting for a convicted felon as a bridge too far?

Regardless, Trump and his oversized ego have been dealt a massive blow. He will be sentenced on July 11th, a mere 4 days before the Republican convention. Our justice system, battered and bruised, came through. Michael Cohen finished his redemption arc. Stormy Daniels' bravery was on full display. Alvin Bragg was vindicated. And 12 of New York's finest saw through all the noise and bullshit and said that no matter who it is, nobody is above the law.

This is why we rejoice. This is your weekend feel-good songs of celebration open thread. As always, be beautiful to yourselves and those around you.