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We Must Go There

We're Democrats because we are nice people.

There is an inherent empathy among those in the 21st century who vote for the Democratic Party. We see ourselves in our leaders. But more than that, we understand that the Democrats are the only major political party invested in righting historical wrongs and empowering traditionally marginalized populations. While the Republicans' overarching political philosophy is "I've got mine because I worked for it", Democrats understand systemic barriers that have prevented non-White, straight, Christian males from reaching their potential in this country. When the majority of Democrats vote, they do so knowing that a large portion of the Democratic platform might not affect them personally, but that a rising tide lifts all boats and that helping those who have been historically disadvantaged is a win for everyone. Whether it's marriage equality, the ACA, funding for HBCUs, student loan forgiveness, women's healthcare rights, or another issue entirely, Democrats understand that by helping one segment of the population, others are also helped. It's this understanding that separates us "normie" Democrats from both the Far Left and the entire Republican Party.

Because of this, because of how we view the world, Democrats are expected to play nice. As Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." Democrats are expected to be the adults in the room, rising above the puerile gimmicks of elected Republicans. This is why folks like Texas Representative Jasmine Crockett are expected to sit back and take it when Marjorie Taylor-Greene belittles her appearance. Because we're the nice guys. We're the adults in the room. We're above and beyond rolling the mud with these professional Republican trolls who view their jobs as entertainers in front of the cameras, not unlike professional wrestlers. Republicans live to score points while Democrats like to score policy. It works like this because Republicans live for grievance politics. They need their voters to be angry about something, anything. Meanwhile, Democrats are up there, time and time again, being professionals and proposing solid, sound legislation that would benefit so many of the people in this country. They do all this in a way to offend as few people as possible. 

Now, that changes. 

With Donald Trump's conviction on 34 felony counts, the gloves are slowly and steadily being removed. While there was initially some hesitation with Democrats being so vocal about Trump's conviction, Joe Biden has led the charge by highlighting how unprecedented it is to have a convicted felon at the top of the Republican ticket. While this comment led to audible gasps across our media that Biden "went there" and politicized the recent New York verdict, there has been increased momentum over the past week for more and more Democrats to follow the president's lead. On June 5, the DNC unveiled a billboard in Philadelphia referring to Trump as a convicted felon. On June 6, the DNC unveiled a billboard outside of Phoenix ahead of Trump's campaign event with Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA. On June 8, Vice-President Kamala Harris said that Trump's conviction was "disqualifying" at a Democratic Party event in Michigan. And yesterday, another DNC billboard went up in Las Vegas where Trump was scheduled to speak later in the day. 

With Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the DNC taking the lead, the Democratic Party has given permission to its members to go ahead and refer to Trump as a convicted felon. While the media's pearl-clutching will continue over the "crude" response of Democrats, the fact is this is a welcome sight for those of us in the trenches. Because, by and large, we have played nice these past 8 years. We have taken the high road time and time again while Republicans have accelerated their frog-march to fascism. But the Trump conviction gives us something the Democrats will never have: a convicted criminal leading the party. While Trump's ridiculous Red Hats won't be swayed, middle-of-the-road independents must absolutely be told time and time again that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Because no matter how hard our media attempts to bothsides and horserace the election, they have no way of honestly comparing a convicted Donald Trump to Joe Biden. This is a key opportunity that Democrats would be wise to pounce on.

Democrats can continue being nice people. That's why we'll continue to vote for them. But by finally bringing a gun to a gunfight, they are leveling the playing field ahead of the 2024 election. It's no longer Donald Trump we're running against. It's convicted felon Donald Trump. Say it loud. Say it proud. Sing it from the rooftops. Joe, Kamala, and the DNC need us now. They've given us permission. It's now our job to add the qualifier "convicted felon" whenever and wherever we mention the orange menace. Because while we are preaching to the choir on our team, there are still millions of independent voters who need to be bombarded with this messaging over the next 5 months. If we can all join together in doing this, it will give us one more feather in our cap come November.

And will finally help rid us all of the convicted felon from Queens. 


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