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No, Joe Biden's Black Support Is Not Eroding

Everybody panic! 

From USA Today

Black voters helped put Joe Biden in the White House four years ago. They may not vote to give him a second term, even though they dislike former president Donald Trump far more, according to an exclusive new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll.

The poll, of Black voters in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Michigan, found that Biden is still the first or second choice of the vast majority, while most would avoid Trump. Like many Americans, Olivia and Macayla Jones aren't happy with either one. "I guess you can call us double-haters,” said Olivia Jones, 22, from Lansing, Michigan, a senior at Central Michigan University. But the African American sisters' votes will be among the most highly sought after by presidential hopefuls who may see their fortunes come down to just a few thousand votes in pivotal battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

"I'm not voting for Trump, but I’m not excited about voting for Biden," she added. "None of my close friends are excited about either candidate. It’s a universal feeling." Macayla Jones, 23, a communications coordinator for a youth center in Bellville, Michigan, said she will likely end up voting for Biden as "the less of two evils, which still kind of disturbs me." More:Biden has a problem with Black voters. So does Trump.

In 2020, Biden carried 92% of Black voters nationwide with Trump winning just 8%, according to Pew Research Center validated voter studies. Less than 150 days until Biden faces his predecessor again, however, various campaign yardsticks indicate African American support for Biden is far more anemic this time around.

Is there an honest-to-goodness opening for Donald Trump to make inroads with the Black vote? 

Let's head to Detroit to find out.

I'm going to go with a big no on that one.

But honestly, this so-called "shock" poll from USA Today is simply the latest attempt of the media to try and erode the Black community's ironclad support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. At a time when an unfiltered Donald Trump is telling us how he actually feels about cities like Milwaukee, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are continuing to enact sound policies that positively impact all communities but especially communities of color. While Donald Trump is stuck with the likes of Tim Scott and Byron Donalds shucking it up for the ole massah, the Biden-Harris Administration is continuing its work to benefit our historically disadvantaged communities. From student loan forgiveness to $16 billion in investments for HBCUs to now eliminating medical debt on a person's credit score, this administration is prioritizing very real and tangible ways to address historical inequities faced by the Black community. At a time when Black unemployment is at an all-time low (something that Trump tried to take credit for in Detriot) and Black wealth increasing, there can be no doubt for those who actually pay attention that the Biden-Harris Administration is working tirelessly to improve the life of Black Americans. All that combined with the administration adding a record number of Black judges to the federal judiciary including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and you can see clear evidence of the advancement of Black Americans under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

But that won't stop these types of USA Today polls from popping up over the next 141 days. Because our media loves to sow the seeds of doubt that somehow Joe Biden will do worse with Black voters, as if somehow there exists a vast, hidden world of Olivia and Macayla Joneses out there who will magically flip their vote from Biden to Trump. But that won't happen. Because Black voters are not only the base of the Democratic Party but they're voting for their lives. Again. Because a second Trump Administration puts them and everyone they care about at risk. White people, by and large, don't have that urgency unless they identify as LGBT. But Black people know how dangerous Trump will be for them and their community. There is genuine excitement for Joe Biden from those who never get interviewed because that type of narrative doesn't make headlines at USA Today. Black voters know Joe and he knows them. And Black voters know that Kamala Harris has a genuine chance to make history in 2028.

At this point, the media is looking for something, anything that points to a close election in November. The Black vote eroding. Gen Z being turned off by Gaza. Women not caring as much about Roe v. Wade as they should. None of this is actually true. In fact, what we saw with the closer-than-expected result in Ohio last week is that if anything, Democrats will do even better than the media would have us believe. People are fired up about Democrats. Meanwhile, Trump is a walking, blubbering, malfunctioning manchild who likely won't be able to pull himself together in time for the June 27th debate. When you have a 90% White event at a Black church in Detroit, that is not a position of strength. When you insult the city where you've having your convention, that is not a position of strength. And when you have to call forth your only two prominent Black supporters to bail you out on the Sunday talk shows time and time again, that is not a position of strength. Joe Biden is running laps around Donald Trump and there's no reason to think he'll lose any Black support between now and the election. 

No matter what the latest "shock polls" might try to tell us. 


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