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It all begins next Thursday

Good morning, friends.

Let's just cut to the chase: Next Thursday at the CNN presidential debate, we are going to see a total shitshow.

As Olivia Beavers' tweet shows, Donald Trump is so far gone that he can't even manage fifteen minutes in a friendly forum. As further evidence, yesterday he called into soon-to-be-imprisoned Steve Bannon's MAGA cult podcast and lasted all of five minutes, then hung up. 

I know what the likes of Eeyore Steve over at that other blog would say: This is all part of the plan! He's not decrepit! He's playacting! He's lulling us into a false sense of security! You just see! The polls can't be wrong!!

Hogwash. The year of our Lord 2016 ruined a large swathe of people. Yes, 2016 showed that anything can happen. But that "anything" required a lot of things to fall into place. 2020 showed that it was hard, if not impossible, to repeat.

Next Thursday will be the first time that the nation will see Trump and President Joe Biden on the same stage since 2020. And it will not be pretty. 

The format for the debate undercuts all of Trump's security blankets. There will be no in-studio audience. Neither man will be able to bring notes. And their microphones will be cut when it's not their turn to answer a question. Trump won't be able to feed off his sycophants. I doubt he's even preparing for the debate; but if he is, his Swiss cheese brain won't be able to hold in any information, and the lack of notes will leave him at a loss. And removing his ability to interrupt will absolutely infuriate him. 

When both candidates demurred on the traditional presidential debate format, the great and the good had fits. Of course, they mostly blamed Pres. Biden. But I like this. The old debates were nothing but contests to see whose supporters could clap—or jeer—the loudest. Now? It's mano a mano. Neither candidate will have a crutch. Joe Biden will excel in this. Donald Trump will be adrift at sea.

Of course, there's still a chance Trump will pull out. If I were his handlers I'd be popping the Nexium. They know, if they're at all savvy and not just drinking the Kool Aid, that if Trump debates he will get creamed. Pres. Biden will be moisturized and unbothered. The debate is a recipe for disaster.

But the problem with Trump withdrawing is that he's damned if he shows up, and damned if he scuttles. If he shows up, again, he will be destroyed. But if he abandons the debate this close to the event, no amount of spin will hide the fact that he's a coward who was afraid to face his opponent. No amount of yelling "rigged" will put lipstick on that pig. He will be seen rightly as a wretched candy-ass punk, incapable of doing the bare minimum expected of a presidential candidate. Either decision will be the acceleration of his political quietus.

Of course, we will have an open thread for the fisticuffs. I can't wait, whether Trump chickens out or shows up to the abattoir. Let's get ready to rumble.


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