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"I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

You know? There's a value in bracing honesty. Sometimes you just have to tell a person or group of people what you really think about them, just to lay everything out and clear the air of any false impressions. I've done it a couple of times in my life when warranted, and it lifted a weight off my shoulders.

However. You might not want to be that honest when you're running for president, have been convicted on thirty-four felony counts, and your only hope of avoiding the hoosegow is to win the election.
Former president Donald Trump was in hot water on Sunday after he told attendees at his Nevada rally, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

Trump, who also went on a bizarre rant about batteries and shark attacks at his rally in Las Vegas, was attempting to draw attention away from the dangerous 100+ degree weather at the venue when he made the controversial comment. Medics are reportedly called for one victim more than three hours before the former president took the stage.

"By the way, isn't that breeze nice?" Trump asked his rallygoers. "Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter."

The ex-president then added, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."
When one is in the grips of dementia, one's social guardrails vanish. Such a person blurts out what he thinks, damn the consequences, because his social clues are Swiss cheese, like his brain. This is another indication that Trump is on an increasingly speedy descent into senility. 

Again, let's bring out the meme: IMAGINE IF JOE BIDEN HAD SAID THAT! The media would be calling for the 25th Amendment and for Trump to be crowned God-Emperor. But do you think that our vaunted Fourth Estate, owned by members of the First Estate who want to guard their wealth, will savage Trump they would Pres. Biden? Of course not. Don't be so silly.

And please, do not think that his cultists will flinch at this. They will say, "Oh, he has such a great sense of humor!"

Except he has no sense of humor. Donald Trump is the most seriously unhumorous man to ever enter American politics. In our politics, a bit of self-deprecation goes a long way. Joe Biden often pokes fun at himself. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did so as well. Republicans are unable to do so, because in their eyes to do so would be to admit weakness and fault. However, Trump takes it to a degree unseen in American politics. Were he a Roman emperor, he would have anyone who made any off-color joke about him thrown to the wild animals in the arena. This statement wasn't a joke. It wasn't an attempt at humor. It was a variation on what he thinks about his followers. It's a riff on 5th Avenue. People could die by the dozens at one of his poorly logistically arranged rallies, and they would still worship him. That's how it is with cults. The fault is always with the follower, never the leader. 

Now, of course, his followers will in no way be nonplussed by this bracing honesty. They will merely scream "All for you!", and continue their idolatry as they attend church every Sunday, pretending they worship the carpenter from Nazareth, the one who had no use for the powers and principalities of the day. But, hopefully, this will be one more plot point for those not in the cult to realize that there are two men contesting this election, and one of them is bug-fuck nuts, and vote accordingly. Because at the end of the day, Gaza won't matter, Ukraine won't matter. A booming economy and a mad pretender will be what matter. And nothing which the malefactors of great wealth who own the media do will be able to hide that fact. So, donate, volunteer, and get Democrats elected tip to toe.


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