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Monday open thread: Joe's Morehouse College commencement address

Happy Monday, Barflies!

Well. According to CNN, Black voters, especially Black men, are fleeing President Joe Biden in droves, and either going to Donald Trump, or abstaining from voting at all. 

The funny thing is that this flight from the Democratic Party is something which is bruited about every election cycle. And yet, every election cycle, it fails to materialize. None of the actual elections we've conducted since 2016 have provided proof of this "Blaxit". Oh, sure, Black men are more likely to vote GOP than Black women. But never in any numbers to make any difference.

And what has changed to make it any more likely this November? Has Trump had a Damascene conversion and embraced Black rights? Has the Republican Party taken Black concerns to heart? No, and no.

Pres. Biden went to Morehouse College on Sunday to give the commencement address. And oh boy, the media were salivating for the graduates en masse to turn their backs on Joe. A few did, much to their shame. But the vast majority listened to Pres. Biden, and cheered him loudly.

I'll have another post this week on the degradation of the media since the days of ink-stained wretches like the late, great Jimmy Breslin of the New York Daily News, who was my reading matter growing up. But Sunday's gleeful expectation of a disaster for Pres. Biden encapsulates everything wrong with our fourth estate. Rather than sober reporting and analysis, it thinks itself as a fourth branch of government. It seeks to impose its power. And since the owners of the press are, by and large, billionaires, well, they're not too hep on Pres. Biden and his desire to redistribute the economic largesse to those who vote for Democrats, from the rich to the less-rich. This is not good for the press, considering that the GOP wants to do to it what Viktor Orban has done to the press in Hungary. And it most certainly is inimical to democracy, and the role the press has in supporting it and upholding it. The satirical vision of the press as presented in Robocop has become grim reality. But I'll address all this later. For today, if you didn't watch it, here's Pres. Biden's address to the future young leaders graduating from Morehouse, who are not cowed and bamboozled by the siren songs of those who wish to use them to their own perverse ends.


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