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Fine. Let Trump win.

This above tweet was in response to the one below:
Genocide. Moral collapse.

Fuck it. Fine. Let Trump win.

Let Trump win because you care more about people in Gaza than people in Compton or East LA.

Let Trump win because your life will go on as always, while his "deportation force" rounds up 11 million Latinos.

Let Trump win because you treasure your hatred of Israel more than you consider the rights you will lose.

Let Trump win because all those "liberal values" you hold are as nothing against joining in on the latest virtue signalling bandwagon.

Really, I'm tired of people like Heather.

I'm sure she wore a pink pussy hat. I hope she locks it away so that Trump's Gestapo doesn't find it.

When she and I are in the same gulag, well, her life won't be worth a plug nickel.

Many Americans are the most childish, idiotic people on the face of the earth. And this is especially true on the Left.

They value their "feelings" over hard reality.

They think anything America does is bad, so it doesn't matter who's in charge. It's all death and genocide.

These people think they're being brave and moral, when the opposite is true. They refuse to partake in a world of ambiguity, because then they would be complicit in a world which doesn't always hew to black and white notions. Their "morality" exists only to make themselves feel superior, not to make difficult, heartbreaking decisions.

When I'm at work and Trump's deportation force rolls in to sweep up my patrons, I will blame Heather.

When Trump unleashes the police on communities of color, I will blame Heather.

People like Heather think that they have a monopoly on virtue. They lie to themselves.

Virtue is doing the most good for the most people. Her narcissism that her values trump all other consideration is not virtue.

As Heather loses her bodily autonomy, may she rot in it. As Heather is pushed back into the kitchen, may she weep and wail.

The childishness of the American voter is not what the Founders had in mind. They knew that for a republic to be self-governing, its citizens needed to be broadly educated. But that's not what we have now. We have people like Heather who will burn the restaurant to the ground because of a dirty fork.

I'm sure Heather thinks that "After Hitler, our turn". The man who said that got a bullet in the head in 1943.

I will do everything I can to make sure Joe Biden is re-elected. But if he's not, I will take bitter solace in the fact that Heather will wake up to a world changed, one she didn't think would arise.

Let Trump win. Because it's what the likes of Heather deserve.