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On Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a day where we celebrate with family. 

However, the idea of "family" has changed significantly over the years. Yes, there are still in-person gatherings, where we (safely) connect with our loved ones in person. But there are also virtual celebrations where we Zoom with our extended family members from remote locations. This has long been a tradition for military families but we've seen this become the norm over the past two years due to pandemic-related factors. For those of us with family and friends in assisted living complexes or with children studying out-of-state, a virtual holiday has become the new normal. We've also embraced the idea of Friendsgiving, where those who do live away from their nuclear families are able to connect with their social circle in their local community. This has become common for international students and those who are here on academic visas. As someone who attended college 800 miles away and who then moved across the country for a number of years, I was extremely grateful to my friends and their parents who opened their homes to me and took me in as if I was one of their own. Although I wasn't a blood relative, I always felt like part of the family for one beautiful November day. That meant the world to me and I still send those with whom I've spent Thanksgiving a Turkey Day text each and every year wishing them the best.  

Today as you celebrate in whichever way you choose, know that you are loved and are part of our very own community right here at The Bar. LL and I know that many of you are currently dealing with difficult life situations. Know that although we haven't met in person, we consider you all a part of our family. As moderators, we do our best to highlight life accomplishments from new jobs to the births of grandchildren to retirements to simply posting inspiring words that the rest of us can live by. We may not be able to identify each other in a crowd but we can identify ourselves with our good hearts, our kind words, and our compassion for others. We somehow ended up together on the interwebs, drawn to a politics blog but united through a searing desire to make the world a better place for ourselves and those that come after us. We all go through ups and downs and need brief respites but we keep coming back because we know that apathy and despair are how the bad guys win. Together we celebrate the victories, mourn the losses, and fight like hell to make the world a better place. Having found that, on this silly little blog of all places, has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my lifetime. 

From your humble blog overlords, we wish the entire EB community a loving Thanksgiving holiday. We are thinking of those dealing with difficult situations and those who are able to rejoice in the goodness that today brings. Take these next few days to relax and enjoy time with those you care about. Get out for an autumnal walk. Pass the pigskin with your ten-year-old nephew or granddaughter. Finish that book that has been sitting on your nightstand. Unplug from the news and simply enjoy the fact that our country is gradually getting back to the way it was. There is more work to do, but that work can wait until Monday. For now, the only work to do is to give and receive gratitude in the way in which it is meant to be transferred. That act alone should keep us all busy for the next few days. 

This is your Thanksgiving holiday open thread. As always, be good to those and those around you. And know that The Bar is grateful for each and every one of you.