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Friday open thread: Nancy Smash

Well. I certainly wasn't expecting to wake up and discover that Build Back Better had yet to pass because of the antics of that flop-sweat king, "Steve" McCarthy, the putative GOP leader in the House.

But, that doesn't matter. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is about to cement herself as the most consequential person to have ever held the gavel. As Jennifer Rubin tweeted:
The election is in one year. We have one year to go on the offensive and bring to the American people the news of all the good this Democratic government has accomplished. To those who peddle despondency: Shut up and get out of the way. You're useless.

Your humble blog-lord is feeling under the weather, so this is as much analysis as I can muster before heading back to bed. But celebrate. And then get back to work.

This is your open thread.