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Monday open thread: Infrastructure Day!

President Joe Biden will be signing the bipartisan infrastructure bill today.

The $1.2 trillion is bigger than the Great Society. It's bigger than the New Deal. By itself it will transform this country. Coupled with Build Back Better, it will fundamentally change the nation. This is why the right fears it.

If Donald Trump had managed to pass infrastructure, the media would have strewn rose petals before his feet. But because it was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, instead it nitpicks and focuses on process, rather than what's in the bill. 

As with Vice President Harris' coverage of her trip to France, the media has an in-built conservative bias. It is oppositional to anyone in the White House, but more so when it's a Democrat. The polls say that Pres. Biden's approval has plummeted. This is solely due to the media's having its thumb on the scale. But look at another metric: cable news viewership has cratered. Cable news sells doom and gloom, and it seems that its audience doesn't want that kind of content. We'll see which way voters go in 2022. By the time the elections roll around, I'd wager that things will be very different, especially if we can get BBB passed.

Celebrate today, and get back to work. We're fighting a struggle for this nation's soul on multiple fronts.

This is your open thread.