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Of course, I'm not going to go into the nuts and bolts about what's in the just-passed American Rescue Plan. I think the graphic heading this piece does an adequate job about that.

I'll talk about the fact that the monies received by LA County and other localities will help us avoid most layoffs until the economy gets going again.

I'll talk about the fact that Obamacare is made even more affordable.

I'll talk about that childhood poverty will be reduced by half because of this bill.

I'll talk about the fact that small restaurants, which are the lifeblood of communities around the country, may be able to slog on until we reopen.

I'll talk about the fact that those facing eviction will now have a roof over their heads until they can get back on their feet.

I'll talk about the fact that a Democratic president is walking the walk about caring for the least of us, while Republicans just blow hot air.

Yes, most economists forecast that this law will power the US to an increase in GDP this year of 6% to 7%. But that's not the important part.

This GDP growth will be the result of a law which puts money in the hands of low- and middle-income Americans. You, and me, and most people we know. This law isn't a giveaway to the already-wealthy. They, like Smaug, would have just hoarded the largesse. Those of us who will be the main beneficiaries of this law will spend our windfall, creating a virtuous circle in which the economy is strengthened and more tax revenue flows to local, state, and federal coffers, allowing for funding more needed projects.

I'll talk about the fact that Republicans are right: This is the greatest liberal wealth redistribution from top to the bottom since the Great Society. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say.

I'll talk about the fact that this law forms a more perfect Union, and promotes the general welfare.

I'll talk about the fact that laws like this are only possible, only happen, when Democrats are in charge. If we want more of this, then we have to put aside squabbling and be as laser-focused in doing good as Republicans are in sociopathic pathology.

I'll talk about relief. Not just about the relief which is coming to battered communities in tangible ways. But a spiritual and mental relief that we have a government whose main task is not to divide us one against another, but to unite us, and to make us a stronger, kinder people.

We needed rescuing. "American Rescue Act" is not just the name of a piece of legislation. It is, indeed, the theme for the next four years. A rescuing of America from the dark place into which it fell. A rescuing of America from the dark places to which many still want to drag it.

Is this the Battle of the Coral Sea, or the Battle of Midway? Did we stop the bleeding, or have we turned the tide? The next few months will be fraught, as we continue to drag this country away from the darkness, from myopia and bigotry.

We'll be fighting battles hard and fast. The work will be ceaseless. But it won't be pointless. It won't be a matter of spinning our wheels.

While they talk about Dr. Seuss, we'll keep fighting for those supposedly outmoded concepts: truth, and justice, and kindness, and empathy.

We have much work to do, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate. Joy is the best fuel.

I leave you with Yo-Yo Ma, and an old Egyptian blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.