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"What do you have to lose?"

210,000 dead Americans.

Children in cages.

Healthcare torn away.

An economy in recession.

Racism stoked from the land's highest office.

Misogyny as a feature of government.




The cratering of respect around the world.

Any sense of normalcy.

Peace of mind.

The idea that America stands for something.

Belief in science.

Belief in expertise.

Belief in competence.


Any hint of pride in our leaders.

The idea that "it can't happen here".

Rule by the worst of us.

Creeping fascism, not just in government, but among the government's supporters.


That's just a sampling of what we've lost and "gained" because of Donald Trump.

But we've also gained a renewed sense of what it is to be American. Most of us haven't shut up and admired our 401K's. We've learned, again, that freedom isn't free, and is worth fighting for. We're learned again that human beings are more than economic units. We've learned that the power is ultimately in our hands, if we only use it.

Four weeks. Vote.