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Monday open thread: Enough with the damned hairshirts!

I'm sure you've seen some variation of this prescription for November 3rd: IGNORE THE POLLS!!! FIGHT LIKE WE'RE TEN POINTS BEHIND!!!

For fuck's sake.

Look, I know that 2016 threw us for a loop. But 2016 was sui generis. It was a perfect confluence of improbable events.

Am I saying skip through a field of daffodils? No, I'm not.

But telling people to act like we're going to lose is, well, idiotic.

No one likes being told to fight like it's Thermopylae. You know how that ended. (Not well for those involved.)

Hillary Clinton never enjoyed a lead like Joe Biden has now. (Because vagina. Because shrill. Because emailz.)

We are on the brink of a historic landslide. One not seen since 1964. (I'm not going to get ahead of myself and say 1932. But we'll see.)

For God's sake, put away the hairshirts and the self-flagellation. We've worked our asses off. We've donated, we've phone banked, we've spread the news across social media. We have the wind at our backs. We should not be the ones fighting like we're ten points behind. We should be running up the score like there are four minutes left in the fourth quarter, and we're up by twenty. In the parlance of basketball, this is garbage time. This is the time where we impose our dominance. We gleefully tell the other team: "You're shit, you know you're shit, and we're going to fucking bury you."

Again, keep an eye out for any fuckery. But to act like we're going to lose is not a winning strategy. People like winners. Act like it. It's why the only people on TV propping up Donald Trump are his family. Because they're going to lose every goddamned thing when he goes down. 

Spiro Agnew was a corrupt bastard, who presaged Richard Nixon's downfall. But he did get one thing right. Ignore the "nattering nabobs of negativity". Have some swagger. Act like Joe going up steps, or Kamala coming down them. Act like a winner. Be a winner. Crush the opposition. Be like Conan.

This is your Monday open thread.