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Tuesday open thread: #AliensExist

Good morning, everyone.

I was going to write about Tara Reade and the foul stench of desperation. But you know what? Fuck that. The fact that all that yesterday's "bombshell" did was get a troll into my mentions and briefly have #BernieComeBack trend is indication enough that, as the gif says:

So, instead:

Why? Because I'm the damned blog owner, and I need a little bit of fun once in a while.

Yesterday's real blockbuster news was the Pentagon declassifying Navy aerial video of "unexplained aerial phenomena." UFOs for us, the great unwashed. From ABC News:

Now, of course, I'm still in need of convincing that any civilization has developed the technology to traverse the infinite wastes of space. But, then again, just because we don't have this technology, it doesn't mean that an alien species millions of years more advanced than us couldn't have. As Arthur C. Clarke said: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

What any alien species finds so interesting in us hairless apes is beyond me. We haven't comported ourselves well as of the past few thousand years. And why the Pentagon is releasing this video is also a puzzlement. Maybe it realizes that in the time of COVID, we need a distraction. Maybe a hope that Vulcans will come to save our asses. Or just an opportunity to wonder and marvel at all that we don't  know in this vast and mysterious universe.

Whatever it is: it was aliens.

This is your open thread.