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Monday open thread: In memoriam

This post is for PitoDaddy's mother. May she be taken into the bosom of the God in Whom she believed, and have found peace at the end. May he and his family live in the light of her example.

This post is for the 50,000 dead and counting in this country from COVID-19. May we as a people be up to the task of honoring their deaths, and holding accountable those who caused them unnecessarily.

This post is for 200,000 dead and counting all over the world from COVID-19. (And, yes, if you do the math, 25% of all the dead are in our Republic.) May the nations of the world put aside their petty differences so that populations aren't given up to the maw of Moloch.

This post is for all of us the living. May we find the strength to carry on, and to bring meaning to our honored dead. May we fashion a world worthy of their sacrifices. Amen.