Weekend self-care open thread: Celebrating real presidents
Well, friends, I don't know about you, but I certainly won't be celebrating Presidents' Day this year. Not that I really do, ever. Back in my day, we had two holidays in February: one for George Washington's birthday, and one for Abraham Lincoln. And then, in its infinite wisdom, the federal government decided to throw them together into one holiday, and sure, why not, include everyone else.
Of course, the problem is that many of our presidents deserve not celebration, but opprobrium. Andrew Jackson. Andrew Johnson. Richard Nixon. None of them deserve to be lauded or remembered as anything other than the scoundrels they were.
But, I do wish to celebrate presidents who moved this nation forward. Who did not traduce the Republic. Who took their roles with the seriousness and honor they deserved.
So, for this weekend's self-care, we will sample a few presidential speeches from those who deserve being commemorated. May their example stand us in good stead as we make our way out of this mire in which we find ourselves.
To quote the man who should be enjoying his second term right now: Keep the faith. I know, it's harder said than done. But this country and the ideals for which it stands, even if always-imperfectly applied, will not go into that good night.
As always, dear friends, be ever kind, gentle, and joyful with yourselves and those around you.