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Barclay Davis - Old School, Part Two

Art by Scopedog

Weeks later, Max and Frida were staying at a roadside motel, just on the outskirts of town. After Max gave Rudolf his long overdue beatdown, he decided he felt confident enough to go to his high school reunion with Frida.

Max and Frida were both inside their motel room, getting ready to leave. Or so Max thought. Frida has been in the bathroom for over an hour, getting herself ready. Max, wearing a red dress shirt, black slacks and growing impatient, was pacing back and forth in front of the bed, his hands behind his back and with a bit of a slouch in him. After looking at his watch in frustration, Max approaches the bathroom door to get Frida's attention.

After knocking on the door, Max says "Frida? How much longer are you going to be in there?"

"I'm still busy, Max." Frida tells him. "If you need to go, use the washroom in the lobby."

Max, exasperated and face palming over that response, says to Frida, "It's not that! You've been in there for well over an hour! What could you possibly be doing in there that would take you over an hour to do?"

"Well Max, you know what they say..." Frida tells him, as the bathroom door opens a bit and a pair of lips stretch out to continue, "Good things come to those who wait!" and then slams the door. Max, not getting the answer he hoped, grabs his face in frustration and pulls it in a huge facepalm. Resigned to wait further, Max heads over to the bed and plops onto it with his arms crossed. He then pulls out his smartphone and presses some buttons to call Mitch.

Mitch answers on the other end. "Max?" he says.

"Hey Mitch, how's it goin?" Max answers.

"Fine." Mitch responds. "Haven't you and Frida gone to your high school reunion yet? I thought you'd both be there by now."

"So did I!" Max answers. "But Frida's still in the bathroom, doing her hair and applying her makeup. She's been in there for over an hour. Why she needs to take that long, I have no idea. Frida's such a natural beauty, it's not like she needs to spend a whole lot of time getting herself ready."

Mitch answers. "Well, she's probably making the extra effort to look beautiful for you. This is, after all, your high school reunion that you were extremely hesitant in attending, and that she managed to convince you into going. I'm sure she wants to look her best to show off in front of your old classmates. As they say, good things come to those who wait!"

Max, surprised by hearing that last sentence again, says to Mitch "You know, that's the second time in the last couple of minutes I heard that phrase. Ah well, guess I have no choice, but wait. Anyhow, how are you and Paul managing Victor?"

"Huh-huh!" Mitch nervously laughs at Max, and says "Funny thing about that. You see..." Then Mitch is distracted by what's going on behind him, inside his apartment, as Paul struggles to hold down a plastic ice cooler that has Victor inside it. The cooler is bouncing on that spot violently as Victor, being very furious, wants out so that he can make those, who helped put him in the cooler, pay for that indignity.


After watching all that, Mitch starts talking to Max again with fear in his voice. "Ok, here the thing. Victor's in a foul mood, because he's with us and not you and Frida at the reunion, and if we let him out now, he's gonna go on a wild pinching spree on Paul and I!"

"WHAT?!!" Max responds very amusingly. "Now don't tell me you and your Canadian army paratrooper of a fiancé are both scared shitless over an ordinary crab?"

At that point - in a manner that can only be appreciated in a cartoon - Mitch reaches from a corner to grab Max by his shirt, pulls him in very close so that they're face to face, and growls at him, "THERE IS NOTHING ORDINARY ABOUT THAT CRAB!!!"😠😠😠😠😠

Max pushes himself off of Mitch, so that order is finally restored, and says to him over the phone, "Fine then, if it's my help you're looking for! Did you do what I suggested and pick up a bag of ice?"

"Yeah, what about..." Mitch says, as he's quickly cut off by Max.

"Great!" Max enthusiastically tells Mitch, as he continues. "Just take that whole bag and dump it on Victor and into the cooler. That should help slow him down considerably. Ice is like a drug to those hard shelled crustaceans, like him. But you better be quick! Victor moves quite fast when he's in an ornery mood." Mitch did not take comfort in that last sentence. Max then said "Well, gotta go now. Godspeed to the both of ya'z!"😁 Max soon cut Mitch off, and Mitch was left standing trying to take in what Max had just told him.

Mitch then heads over to the fridge to pull the ice out of the freezer. As he was doing that, Paul was still struggling to control the crab in the box, as Victor's anger grows.

"You need to calm down, little buddy!" Paul tells Victor. "Your behavior is out of control!"

"I'LL CALM DOWN AFTER I PINCH YER NOSE OFF AND SHOVE IT UP YER ASS, SO THAT YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT IT SMELLS LIKE!!!" a very furious Victor shoots back at Paul. Mitch then shows up with the open bag of ice and is squatting next to Paul.

"Ok, we got to dump all this onto Victor and quickly!" Mitch tells Paul. Paul starts to open the cooler slowly, while Mitch has the bag positioned where he's ready to dump. But as soon as a little light appears from the inside, Victor pops out, standing on the edge of the cooler, pissed off and with his claws out at Mitch and Paul, who are both hugging each other in fear.

"ALL RIGHTY NOW!!!" Victor angrily shouts at Mitch and Paul. "SAY GOODBYE TO ALL YER DIDGETS, YOU ASS..." But before Victor could say another word, Mitch and Paul dumped all the ice onto Victor, which send him back inside the cooler and buried underneath a pile of ice. They both heard Victor say "...holes."

After that, there wasn't any movement from inside the cooler. Paul asks Mitch, "We didn't kill him now, did we?"

After Paul said that, there was some ruffling going on within the ice. Mitch and Paul are both hugging themselves in fear again, as Victor is able to climb out. But his mood has calmed down considerably from the ice.

"Heh-hehhh!" Victor says, sounding as if he's had one too many drinks. "Did I ever tell youz guys how much I luv ya'z?...Yer both my buddies...You two mean more to me...than ANYONE else...inna WHOLE..." Then, Mitch and Paul quickly closed the lid to the cooler, and were both breathing huge sighs of relief, as Victor continued talking in an inebriated state.

Paul then turns to Mitch, and asks him, "What happens when all the ice has melted?"

When hearing that, Mitch turns to look at Paul, and angrily tells him, "GET MORE ICE!!!!!"😠


Back at the motel, Max puts his phone back in his pants pocket and resumes waiting for Frida. But he didn't wait too long. Just after Max put his phone away, the bathroom door opens.

Max, sensing Frida is finished, gets up off the bed and walks towards the door, saying "Finally! I hope all that time spent in the bathroom was worth...DIIIT?!!"

What caused Max to say that last bit out of shock was what was coming out of the bathroom. First, Max saw a bare ankle that had a black, high heeled shoe attached to it. Then he saw both feet with black high heel shoes. As he looked further up, Frida was showing off her hot sexy legs, all bare and smooth as silk. She was wearing a black micro thin stretchable mini skirt, where the bottom hem barely concealed Frida's ass, and the top part sat between her navel and below her breasts, emphasizing Frida's wasp like waistline. She wore a white, long sleeved blouse that was buttoned up, her face had makeup applied beautifully, and her hair was all big and wavy.

Frida stood outside the bathroom door, with her back leaning against the wall and her right leg lifted in an angle, striking a sexy pose for Max, who responded to Frida's look, like this:

"Well... what do you think?" Frida asks Max in a sexy voice, as she slowly starts moving towards Max. "I keep these clothes with me for special occasions like this. And I had Gail and Abigail help me on how to do my hair and apply my makeup in order to look my hottest for you.

"You like?" Frida asks Max, who still had a dumbfounded look on his face, seeing Frida dressed up in her hottest.

Then, Max approached Frida, with a goofy look on his face, saying, while imitating Elmer Fudd, "Maxie wike! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Frida, happy with Max's response to her, turns to wrap her arms around him, enthusiastically saying, "Oh Max, I'm so happy you love how I look. We're going to turn so many heads when we show up at your reunion tonight!"

"Mmm-hmmmm..." Max tells Frida, as he scans Frida's overall appearance. Max with a sly smile on his face says, "Although we COULD stay here and wait a bit before leaving, and have a little fun of our own!"😈

After a bit of a pause, Frida smiles at Max and says to him, in her sexy voice "Mmmmmm, I like that a lot!" as she's running her finger down Max's nose then all around his mouth, until she pinches his lips hard, saying "But not right now!" As Max grabs his lips in pain, Frida tells him, "We have a reunion to attend to, remember? So, let's go!" She then grabs a hold of Max's left ear and starts yanking him to go with her.

Max, walking awkwardly and in pain as Frida's pulling his ear, says "OWW, OWW, OWW!!! Frida, why do you have to do that?!! OWWWW!!!"

"Becaaaaause..." Frida says, as they're both out the door and heading for Max's high school reunion.

Coming up - Barclay Davis - Old School, Conclusion