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Death By Spite

Republicans are actively trying to kill you.

Not all of you. Not those of you who are White, wealthy, straight men. 

But the rest of us?

The Party of Lincoln is no more. Hell, this isn't even the Party of W and that was a mere 16 years ago. We are witnessing a political party completely devoid of discernable empathy. It is the party of "I've got mine so screw you." Those well-off should continue being well-off through tax breaks and corporate loopholes. Those who are poor or working-class are so because they aren't working hard enough. They don't deserve any handouts. No government aid. Refugees and immigrants? Send 'em back where they came from! How dare you try and do what our grandparents and great-grandparents did two or three generations ago? You are scum, you are vermin, and you don't deserve to be here among these "true" Americans.

Donald Trump is not a symptom. He is not a one-off candidate. He's not even a movement at this point. He is the Republican Party and the Republican Party is him. Yes, he's the loudest and most obnoxious voice. But his seething ideology is so prevalent, so pervasive, that it now impacts Republican governance at all levels. Women dying for lack of access to abortion? No Republican cares. Children being massacred in schools? No Republican cares. Entire communities being wiped off the map due to natural disasters? Mike Johnson and the House GOP do not care. Needing to coordinate disaster response with the federal government and refusing to accept a call from the Vice-President of the United States? Ron DeSantis certainly does not care. Hard-working immigrants here through legal asylum being demonized by vicious, unfounded rumors? J.D. Vance and Donald Trump absolutely do not care and, in fact, will spread even more rumors to help them politically. Never before has an entire political party become so devoid of even a baseline level of empathy. Never before has the "party of compassionate conservatism" become so reprehensible.

They're not pro-life. They never were. But now more than ever we see Republicans for who they truly are. When an entire political party not only refuses to unite together to help its own suffering members but instead makes it worse by amplifying conspiracy theories and malicious lies then we've officially entered a new chapter in our nation's history. We knew Republicans would get desperate one month out from the election. But what we're seeing now is a new level of depravity. It's a new level of desperation. It's more than a cornered animal lashing out; it's a cornered animal setting the entire room on fire and self-immolating itself to finish the job. There is no coming back from this for the GOP. They can't undo their war on women, immigrants, scientists, soldiers, and now first responders. They can't return in 2028 and pretend the last decade was a mirage or some shared fever dream that 340 million of us just happened to share. We're seeing this now, in real time. People will die in Florida in 24 hours because Governor Shitdick DeSantis is too much of a fucking coward to ask for basic government assistance during his state's time of need. Ron will be safe in his government mansion while many of his most vulnerable constituents will be left on their own. All so Ronnie the Rat can own the libs and deny Kamala Harris the common courtesy of taking a 30-second phone call. 

Republicans are no longer fit to govern. At any level. A party devoid of basic human decency cannot and should not control the reigns of any sort of government from the smallest school board to the federal government of the world's most powerful nation. To be a public servant is to serve the public good. Republicans are now incapable of doing this. They refuse to separate fact from fiction. They weigh their actions not by what is best for the people but by what is best politically. And doing what's best politically can often mean the difference between life and death. We're seeing completely avoidable death and destruction in this country all to appease a conman from Queens who has never cared about anyone or anything other than himself. The lengths Republicans are going to fellate their orange overlord is simply astounding. Never before have we seen an entire party so enamored with a man who clearly doesn't give a shit about any of them.

Hubris a real. So too, is karma. And karmic hubris is what lies ahead for this decrepit excuse for a political party. Vote Republicans out. Everywhere. I don't care if your local city counselor seems like a decent Republican, his party has become a threat to the safety and security of all Americans. Republicans need a wakeup call and until they lose a national election by 10+ million votes, that reckoning is unlikely to occur. If we all vote like we're capable of, 2024 will get us on a path to this fateful moment. But it must be a resounding victory for Democrats at all levels. A blue White House. A blue House led by Speaker Hakeem Jeffries. A blue Senate. Protected abortion rights in all the states in which it is on the ballot. We have 28 days to make all this a reality.

Our lives literally depend on it. 


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