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Voting rights debate open thread

Today, the Senate will debate the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Now, how did the Democrats overcome a GOP filibuster to even advance the bill to debate? Because Majority Leader Chuck Schumer found a workaround. So, when the screechers screech that Democrats don't care about voting rights, they can go fuck off.

However, debate is one thing. Passage is another. And unless those miscreants Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have Damascene conversions, filibuster rules will prevent moving on to a vote.

What's infuriating, of course, is that the onus is solely on Democrats. Pardon my French, but not a single, goddamned, motherfucking  article on this topic makes clear that the people really blocking this legislation are Republicans. Republicans seem to have no agency. It's taken for granted that they're pieces of feces, so they're given a pass for their intransigence, and all of the blame is laid upon Democrats for not being able to move this forward. It's a hell of a grift. The GOP scuppers needed legislation, and Democrats foot the bill of blame. So-called "activists" blame Democrats for not advancing the bill in an evenly-divided Senate, instead of placing the blame where it belongs: on the racist Republican Party. (And yes, Tim Scott, a Black man, is a Republican senator. He's also what was called a "house Negro".)

Forgive my salty language, but I'm sorely tired of people who cosplay activism by attacking their natural allies. Where are the sit-ins at Mitch McConnell's office? Where are the protests at Kevin "Steve" McCarthy's headquarters in Bakersfield? Nowhere. Because they know that the media loves attacks on Democrats from "the base", and doesn't care about protests at offices of GOP officeholders. These so-called activists knowingly play into the media narrative that exonerates Republicans and condemns Democrats.

Do Senator Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have a trick up their sleeves? I don't know. But I know that they're the ones that brung me to the dance, and I'm not abandoning them now. And after Sen. Schumer got the GOP to cave on the debt ceiling last month, I'm not going to gainsay his strategy. We'll see where it goes. 

But one thing I'm not going to do is to declare Democrats hopeless and withhold my vote. Why? Because I'm not a goddamned moron. 

So, let's see what happens over the next couple of days. It won't make or break the Republic; but it will be illustrative. And it will be interesting to see if the screechers regain some composure.

This is your open thread.