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Monday open thread: Sorry MAGAts—you ain't seceding

I'm not going to link to the poll, because I'm sure you've seen it bruited about this past weekend, but it appears that a majority of supporters of loser Donald Trump want to secede from the Union.

Let's put this to bed, shall we? 

There is no legal way to secede from the Union. We fought a war based on this and all that. And the ancestors of those who now want to secede lost that argument.

But, more to the point, how would you secede? 

You're not concentrated in one region like you were back in 1861. Now, you're spread out, like a cancer. And you may be the majority in some states. But those states are also the poorest states which suck on the government teat. And why would those of us, the majority, allow you to oppress our brothers and sisters who don't agree with your reactionary views? I mean, do you think we'll allow Georgia, or Florida, or Texas to secede, when they're ripe for the picking for the blue side?

Also, even if a few discrete states could secede, they'd be all over the country. These states would also be poorer and more vengeful. Do you actually think this Republic would accede to a threat on its borders? Get the fuck out of here.

And, while we're at it, let me address the latest liberal freak-out over Steve fucking Bannon talking shit how the next GOP regime would usher in fascism JUST LIKE HITLER. Really? Some history: the US is not Weimar Germany. Weimar Germany was barely a democracy. Germany was primed for strongman rule. The question was whether it would be fascist or communist. And the Hitlerites had an advantage, in that German culture at that time was far more primed for right-wing dictatorship than left-wing. All the elite sectors, as well as the economic sectors, favored the Nazis. The elite cultural and economic regions of the US are blue states. Do you actually think that California or New York would have no power to put paid to your fascist dreams?

This poll is another indication that our opponents realize that they have no real power. They're being defeated on all fronts. It doesn't look like it from the media, but if these people had any hope to impose their authority on the rest of the country in minority rule, they wouldn't be dreaming of secession. They've lost both the culture and political wars. They recognize that fact. It's time that we recognize that as well, and act like it. 

No, we're not going to allow you to secede so as to have to fight a hundred border wars with revanchists. We're going to keep you close so that we can keep a close eye on you. Deal with it. You lost.

This is your open thread.