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Friday open thread: A word from the President

I wanted you to hear from me directly about the Build Back Better Framework, a plan for my agenda I believe can pass the House and Senate. It’s a big deal, folks! And I want you to know what it’s going to mean for you. Here are some of the details:

• Families around the country will be able to afford child care for the first time, including universal preschool. The framework will save most American families more than half of their spending on child care, deliver two years of free preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old in America, give more than 35 million families a major tax cut by extending the expanded Child Tax Credit, and expand access to high-quality home care for older Americans and people with disabilities.

• We’ll embark on an unprecedented effort to combat climate change -- creating hundreds of thousands of good-paying union jobs. The framework will cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than one gigaton in 2030, all while reducing consumer energy costs, giving our kids cleaner air and water, creating high-quality jobs, and advancing environmental justice by investing in a 21st century clean energy economy -- from buildings, transportation, industry, electricity, and agriculture to climate smart practices in our lands and waters.

• Health care will be more affordable for millions of Americans. The framework will reduce premiums for more than 9 million Americans by extending the expanded Premium Tax Credit, deliver health care coverage to up to 4 million uninsured people in states that have locked them out of Medicaid, and help older Americans access affordable hearing care by expanding Medicare.

• We’ll bring down costs and rebuild the middle class. The framework will make the single largest and most comprehensive investment in affordable housing in history; expand access to affordable, high-quality education beyond high school; cut taxes for 17 million low-wage workers by extending the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit; and advance equity through investments in maternal health, community violence intervention, and nutrition security, in addition to better preparing the nation for future pandemics and supply chain disruptions.

Last year, this team dedicated your hard-earned money, time, and energy to fight for a better future. Because we knew that we couldn’t just build back to the way things were before the pandemic -- we needed to build back better.

The American people sent a clear message at the polls last November that Democrats were up for the job. You kept the faith and the vision day after day -- and now we’re meeting the moment and delivering. This is an incredible achievement in our fight to build back better, and I want to take a moment to thank you.

The Build Back Better Framework is going to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families -- all without raising taxes even a dime on anyone making under $400,000 a year. And I know that none of that would be possible without you.

Thanks for being with me every step of the way. It means a lot.


Joseph R. Biden Jr.
President of the United States

P.S. The Build Back Better Framework is proof of exactly what we can accomplish when we work together. But it’s just the start of our work. I am counting on you to keep up our momentum so we can continue transforming our nation. The DNC is key to protecting and expanding our Democratic majorities