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Tuesday holiday open thread: Irish people drink Advent calendars!

Happy Tuesday, friends!

We here at the Bar are taking a little breather this week. It's been a long year, it hasn't ended well, but we're still here and kicking. The new year will be filled with challenges, but we are up to them. The fact is, as this past weekend has shown, that Donald Trump, for all his bloviating about mandates and dictatorships and expanding American control over such disparate places as Canada and Sicily—yes, Sicily—he enters office in January as a lame duck. Out of office, he may have wielded power. In office? As a Republican congressman who voted against his demand to do away with the debt ceiling said: "I love Donald Trump, but he didn't vote me into office. My constituents did." It will be Shitshow 2.0. We'll have to hold firm. But there won't be an Enabling Act. And no, the US Army isn't about to roll into Toronto. 

So, to begin this festive week, I'm going to share a tradition with you which I've kept since the pandemic caused me to work from home for two years.

The lads and lasses at the Try Channel were some of the people which got me through my isolation. These hilarious Irish comedians kept me in stitches for two years, and I've been a loyal follower ever since. I even subscribe to their Patreon!

Every Christmas, they have a two-hour extravaganza where three pairs devour alcohol Advent calendars filled with various alcoholic beverages. Needless to say, since they're drinking all 25 drinks in the space of a day, and not, you know, over a month, hilarity ensues! Today, I'm sharing this year's iteration of this festive tradition. Let us join Dermot and Darren, Justine and Lolsy, and Laura and Bláithín as they get absolutely locked—Irish slang for shitfaced. Enjoy, everyone!