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"The Boss Is Not Going To Leave" And Other Authoritarian Tales

From ABC News

As part of a plea deal, one of former President Donald Trump's attorneys has told prosecutors in Georgia that she was informed in the wake of the 2020 election that Donald Trump was "not going to leave" the White House -- despite the fact that he had already lost the election and most of his subsequent challenges.

The revelation, along with others, came during a confidential interview the attorney, Jenna Ellis, had with Fulton County investigators. ABC News has obtained portions of videos of the proffer sessions of both Ellis and Sidney Powell, two attorneys who aided Trump's efforts to overturn the election. The videos for the first time reveal details of what they have told law enforcement since agreeing to cooperate last month in the district attorney's election interference case.

Ellis, in her proffer session, informed prosecutors that senior Trump White House official Dan Scavino told her "the boss" would refuse to leave the White House despite losing the election, and alluded to two other instances she said were "relevant" to prosecutors -- but appeared to be prevented from disclosing those in the video portions obtained by ABC News due to attorney-client privilege, which hindered portions of her proffer.

Powell, meanwhile, explained to prosecutors her plans for seizing voting machines nationwide and claimed that she frequently communicated with Trump during her efforts to overturn the 2020 election -- though both now claim she was never his attorney.

In the session, Powell reiterated the false assertion that Trump won the election -- but acknowledged in the video that she didn't know much about election law to begin with. 
The Kraken and Jenna done sung like birds!

So, once again, despite how The New York Times frames it, we see Donald Trump's worst authoritarian instincts shine through. This is a man who had never lost anything in his life. A man whose malignant narcissism couldn't compute not winning. A man so deranged, so detached from reality that he was willing to listen to anyone and everyone who told him what he wanted to hear. Sidney Powell admitted that she knew nothing about election law. But she told Trump that he still had a shot. So Trump continued to push through, convinced in his pea-brained head that he had actually won the 2020 presidential election. Flash forward three years and he still cannot in good faith admit that he lost to "Sleepy" Joe Biden.

Fanni Willis is not playing around. There can be zero question that Trump and his coterie of contemptuous criminals engaged in a coordinated effort to overturn a free and fair election. Jack Smith also knows it. So while Trump gets the occasional helping hand from Judge Aileen Cannon in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, Fanni and Jack are moving full-steam ahead in proving that his actions leading up to January 6th were criminal. Let's not forget that even with juicy tidbits like the one mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we are only scratching the surface of what Fanni and Jack know. Not only did Donald Trump lead an armed insurrection against the United States Capitol but he did so in cahoots with a team of less-than-stellar sycophants who are now lining up to spill the beans. That's the thing about insurrections: you better make it count or else there will be consequences to pay. 

Something Donald Trump is learning the hard way. 


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