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Thursday open thread: The revolt of the vaccinated grows apace

So. I was on my porch yesterday lunchtime, enjoying the gorgeous weather which is autumn in Los Angeles. I was perusing my various news websites, and decided to alight upon Financial Times, for which I have an inordinate fondness, even though it went ape-shit over Afghanistan. And this blared out at me:
Los Angeles county is set to broaden its proof of Covid-19 vaccination requirements for indoor venues such as bars and nightclubs and outdoor “mega events” like concerts and sporting matches.

The most populous county in the US will issue a revised health order later this week setting out the requirements, Barbara Ferrer, the county’s public health officer, said on Wednesday.

The order will require all customers and employees in indoor areas of bars, breweries, nightclubs and wineries to have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by October 7 and have received their second by November 4.
That's right, bitches! My city, my county, are done with coddling these plague-enthusiasts. 

Most of the unvaccinated love going to bars and clubs and large outdoor gatherings like concerts and sports. How do I know? Because I'm a fucking contact tracing manager, and I see the unvaccinated list their places of possible infection, and they include bars and clubs and large outdoor gatherings. Well, that ends in the next two months.

You want to participate in society? Then behave like a responsible member of society. Take the most basic steps to protect society from illness and disease. Can't do that? Well, drinking at home is nice, too. 

We are done. We are fed up. We are tired of antisocial miscreants keeping the rest of us on soft lockdown because they're too stupid and selfish to act like a member of a community. Fine. Now you get excluded from all those things you love to do, on our backs.

They may want to tempt karma and Darwin. We don't. We're going to protect ourselves, and if it means isolating the stupid until they get the message, then so be it. Life is one long series of choices. One hopes to make the right ones more often than not. And those of us who make the right choices to bolster and strengthen the community shouldn't be hampered by those who don't.

This is why I'm so proud to call myself an Angeleno, a Californian, an American, and a liberal. It takes us a while, but eventually we get royally pissed off and kick the mouthbreathers to the curb. Enough. I'll be enjoying a libation at a bar like the one fronting this piece. And I and my friends will know we're surrounded by those who did what they were supposed to do. The others? Fuck them.