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Staycation open thread: The wit and wisdom of Trae Crowder

To quote the legend who is Palmyra Delran: good morning, kiddly-poos! Unless something changes, this week will be a week of open threads as your humble and frazzled overlord takes a much deserved rest from the wearying travails of work and keeping up with this crazed-out world.

For today, we turn to the down-home country common sense of comedian Trae Crowder. 

Mr. Crowder opens his mouth and the accent coming out of it immediately pegs him as a Trumpster among the denizens of Williamsburg and Los Feliz. Which of course is asinine, because one should not judge a book by its cover. (Although, lets face it, I've been seduced into buying a book based on its alluring cover more than once.) Trae is a fire-breathing Southern liberal who "gets it". I have made a personal journey from being one of those who just casts aside everyone from a red state as irredeemable to someone who believes we need to fight for every person of good will in this country. We have many people right here on this humble blog who are in the reddest of red states, and I'll be damned if I'm going to abandon them. We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately.

Trae's takes on politics and culture from a proud Southern liberal are not only on point, but scabrously funny. So we will have some ha-has today as we explore his more recent broadsides against the troglodytes who seek to destroy this Republic. You can subscribe to his YouTube channel here.

Have a few laughs, make a little love, and get down today.