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How to Help Afghan Refugees

I know many of you may disagree with me on if pulling out of Afghanistan was the right move.

To be clear, because of the results and what I am seeing with my own eyes out of Kabul, I am uncertain.

But what to do about the refugees from Afghanistan? That is an easy question to answer.

Get as many out of Afghanistan as possible (especially those who risked their lives working with the American military), let them into the United States and help them get settled in.

Below will be resources both to help refugees get out of Afghanistan and to help them transition to life in America. These organizations will need a lot of donations going forward.

In addition, make sure to contact your representatives and senators to let in as many Afghan refugees as possible. The number should have at least six figures. Right now, it is way too low.


Remember to contact your representative and senator to insist on more Afghans being let into the United States. It’s the least our country can do after failing so badly in Afghanistan.

Helping people running for their lives from the Taliban is not a matter of charity, it is about paying off a debt. Many of the people being targeted by these butchers worked with the American military and were vital. They deserve better than what they are getting.

America’s honor is tarnished after Afghanistan; let’s help build it back by lending a hand to the Afghans who are running for their lives.