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Barclay Davis - Old School, Afterparty

Art by Scopedog

Note: I just added this bit at the end of the story, because it's been percolating inside my head for the past month. It's kinda the same story as last week's, when Max's former classmates were left stunned at Max having Frida as a girlfriend. But instead of his ex bullies, it was a couple of friends/acquaintances of Max. And their reactions are something to behold! 😁

Kevin Scott and Marcus Rogers have been best friends since high school. Like Max, both were picked on in high school, although not to the degree Max experienced. Both remained in town with their own lives. Kevin, a heavy set man with thinning light brown hair, runs his family's business, while Marcus, with short salt and pepper hair and dark rimmed glasses that makes him appear older than he is, works as an accountant.

Kevin and Marcus showed up to the reunion, albeit later on. Both were looking at Max and Frida, who were back on the dance floor, dirty dancing to some Taylor Swift.

Neither of the two were around to see Max and Frida dance early on. All they knew was, A) they couldn't recognize either of them, and B) Frida, was looking hot in her gravity defying mini skirt and sexy dancing to Max, which got both Kevin and Marcus aroused by her.

"Look at her!" Kevin tells Marcus. "Did you ever see something so hot like her move like that?"

"Nope!" Marcus replies. "Bet she's good enough to be an NFL cheerleader!"

"Imagine how she'd be dressed as one!" Kevin chides, as they continue staring at Frida. "Do you even recognize her?" Kevin asks Marcus.

"Nope!" Marcus replies. "I think I would, if I did! You'd never forget someone like her!"

As they continued staring at both Max and Frida, Marcus asks Kevin, "What about the guy she's dancing with? Do you recognize him?"

Kevin starts scratching his chin, telling Marcus, "🤔I don't know! I feel as if I know him, but...he so...unrecognizable!"

"Well I can tell you who he is!" Marcus says to Kevin. "A lucky guy! I mean...just look at how she's watching him with those eyes!"

"Yeah!" Kevin responds. "And loving him with that body, I just know it!"

Then, they see Frida twerk like mad all over Max's crotch. "OH MY GOD!😲" Kevin responds. "She must be tight!"

"She certainly looks tight, just by the way she dances." Marcus says. "I bet she has less that one percent body fat!"

Frida then turns to look at Max, puts her hands on his face, leans into him with a leg up, and sticks out her long tongue and starts wiggling it in front of Max. Both Kevin and Marcus see that, and start losing it!

"HOLY SHIT,😲 DID YOU SEE THAT?!!" Kevin tells Marcus. "I've never seen a tongue that long before! That girl's got it all!"

"I wonder where that's been on that guy?" Marcus jokingly tells Kevin. And as they laughed at that, Frida drops to the floor doing the splits, where her face is directly in front of Max's crotch, and starts pushing it up/fondling it, then runs her long tongue, up and down, and gives it a playful nibble.

"HOLY FUCKING JESUS!!!😲😲😲😲😲" Kevin blurts out. "She really went there on him!"

"Oh hell yeah, she did!" Marcus says. "She has to be an eleven!"

"An eleven?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah, a ten that swallows!" Marcus says, as both he and Kevin laugh at that.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

"I bet that guy would know how that would feel!" Kevin says, as he continues. "I still can't place my finger on that guy!🤔 I'd like to think I remember him, but it's just..."

"Well, he certainly smiles a lot!" Marcus says.

"Yeah, well, wouldn't you, if you had that hot minx draped all over you, wanting you, like she obviously wants him?" Kevin says.

When the song ended, Frida wrapped her arms around Max, tightly, and started deeply French kissing him on the mouth, which got both Kevin and Marcus all flustered. Max and Frida then went to sit down. Holding hands, Frida sat down first, then Max sat next to Frida. But just as Max had sat down, Frida quickly got up to sit on Max's lap, looking right in front of him with her legs wrapped around Max and the chair, then leaning into him very closely, tightly wrapping her arms around him, and deeply French kissing Max again.

At that moment, Kevin and Marcus completely lost it, over the way Frida was tending to Max.

"FUUUUUCK!!!😲😲😲😲😲" Marcus blurts out. "Did you see how she was using her tongue to probe the insides of his cheeks? That girl is totally addicted to that guy!"

"I know!" Kevin says, continuing, as he's pointing his finger at Max, "That the luckiest guy in the whole damn world!"

Kevin and Marcus continued to watch Max and Frida make out on the chair, as Frida goes from Max's mouth to his neck and earlobe as she stats kissing and licking and nibbling them with desire.

Then, Kevin tells Marcus, "Oh that's it! I gotta go up to that guy, tell him how awesome he is to have a girl like her!" Both he and Marcus went to approach Max, who was still on the receiving end of Frida's hot sexy nibbling of his neck and ears, with a big, quivering smile on his face.

"Hey bud!" Kevin tells Max, as Max opens his eyes a bit to look at him and Marcus. "Don't take this the wrong way now, but...the two of us had been watching you both dancing just..."

"KEVIN, MARCUS, IS THAT YOU GUYS?!!😃😃😃😃😃" Max tells the two of them, quite enthusiastically.

Both Kevin and Marcus were stunned and taken aback that Max addressed them, like that. It seems the guy they were admiring from afar knows them, and knows them quite well. Then, after taking a better look at Max, Kevin and Marcus both came to the realization that the guy they were so envious of for having the hottest woman they've ever seen...was the same guy they saw get relentlessly bullied and tormented in high school, and who sometimes hung out with them.

And then, Kevin and Marcus reacted by completely going mental!

"MAX??!!! MAX EDWARDS??!!! YOU??!!! HERE??!!! HER??!!!"

After nearly hurting each other from an extreme McKimson, Kevin and Marcus, still in massive mental mode, scream at Max. 


Max and Frida just looked at each other, amusingly. Then, as Frida resumes tightly hugging and kissing him all over, Max looks at his old friends, with a shy look on his face, and tells them, "Guess I'm just the luckiest guy in the whole damn world, fellas!"😁😁😁😁😁

Coming up: Something!