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Weekend self-care open thread: Music of exultation

Well friends. This week has been a hard one for your humble blog runner. I had a health scare, and I and my wife had to guide our precious Emma the Mad Catter to the other side.

But that's just it. This is part of life. This is our doom as mortal beings. We may believe something lies on the other side, but we don't know for sure. It is, as Shakespeare said, the undiscovered country. So we keep plugging along, trying to do the best we can, hoping we don't fail, hoping we bring peace to those we love.

In times like these, I turn to music. And I turn to the music of the Western tradition, because it's what I know the best.

So, for this weekend's self-care, music which raises us to a higher state of being, if you will so let me indulge.

As always, friends, be ever kind to yourselves and those around you.