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Hump Day open thread: You, sir, are no Mike Wallace

Our Trevor had a brilliant takedown of that Good German Chris Wallace to start off our week. Our young Andres Boland asked: Who's Mike Wallace? Ah, youth.

When Mike Wallace showed up at your door, you knew you had done something bad to bring him there. His so-called "ambush" interviews on 60 Minutes were legendary. He was hated for them. But Mr. Wallace was so much more than that gimmick. He was what we mostly no longer have: a true journalist, out to uncover the truth, with no fear or favor. But he sought the truth; he didn't seek to drive a narrative. He was the kind of journalist who if one person told him it was raining and another told him it was sunny, he'd stick out his head to see what the weather was like. In our modern media culture "the truth" is predetermined, and our soi disant "journalists" exist solely to drive that narrative.

For our Hump Day open thread, a few gems from the career of Mike Wallace. We need his like now more than ever, not the likes of his feckless son.

The weekend's almost here, friends. Stay frosty.