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It's done

Well, it's not really done. We have many more miles to tread.

But for the first time in his life, Donald Trump has been held accountable for his malfeasance.

He may bloviate all he wants to at his "pity me" party. But now he's joined a small list of presidents who have been impeached, and only the second one who deserved it.

The next few months will be stressful for the country. However, this needed to happen. No one is above the law, no matter how much they have been told they are, no matter how much they have escaped censure during their wasted lives. Presidents are not kings. Citizens are kings and queens, and politicians serve them, not the other way around.

No one has deserved impeachment more than Donald Trump. His whole term in office has been a string of impeachable offenses. This isn't a political disagreement; he is an abomination to Constitutional order and democratic principles.

He wont be removed by a supine Senate. But he now wears the ignominy of being condemned by the first branch of government. He will forever wear that dishonor.

Elections have consequences, and they will now descend upon Trump and his enablers. Time to put the foot on their necks.

This is your open thread.